Hashnodau / Hashtags
Use Hashtags to get your content noticed, or to find Toots about a particular topic.
Some of our more popular hashtags include:
- #aNormalDayInWales – Things that can only happen in Wales
- #Art – art and artists
- #Bendegedig – When you're really happy about something
- #Croeso – Say “shwmae” to new members
- #Cymru #Cymraeg
- #DidYouKnow – helpful tips and tricks
- #dilyn - Pobl i ddilyn / People to follow
- #DysguCymraeg – Welsh learners
- #Ffoto #photo #Photography – Photographs taken by our members
- #Introductions – Everyone should post their first Toot with this hashtag!
- #Music #Miwsig - music and musicians
- #NP - now playing on Tŵt radio. Click to see (and hear) what other people are listening to right now!
- #Rygbi #Rugby - The game played in heaven (see #rwc2019 for the World Cup)
- #Wales #Welsh
- #WelshProblems - you know you're Welsh if...
- #Ymarfer – Welsh learners looking for practice and corrections